Maya’s Blog

Here I share insights into my writing journey and the creation of my novel, Painting Celia. These posts offer a deeper understanding of the book, revealing the symbolism, character development, and lyrical language that define my work. They also explore my process of balancing introspection and action, crafting authentic characters, and navigating the ebb and flow of creativity. At least, they explain how I try to do all that!

I hope my perspective inspires and encourages you on your own creative journey. And maybe, to pick up the book!


Abstract painting of a figure in shades of green and blue, showcasing a creative muse with flowing textures and dynamic brush strokes.

Wicked and the Power of Prequels

How a green-skinned witch revived my muse—and the free prequels I’m giving you.

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a painting of a cabbage

Deleted Scene: Meeting Celia

Bonus content from Painting Celia – exclusively for blog readers! Here's an alternate scene from the very first page of the book.

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a painting of sparkling blue water from the bottom of a swimming pool

Blue Is More Than a Color

What is color symbolism in literature? Read how the color blue takes on multiple meanings in Painting Celia.

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a painting of a woman in a robe, painting.

The Rebel Muse

Ever wondered 'What makes a muse?' They're more than just a spark of inspiration. They've got their own flame.

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a painting of a girl looking at an empty pair of shoes

Father’s Day Without Dad

As Father's Day approaches, some of us have only memories to honor. And how complex they can be! Even in their absence, fathers continue to shape us.

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a painting of a cabbage

Recipe Time! Celia’s Cabbage Slaw

Step into the world of Painting Celia with Celia's own homemade Caesar Cole Slaw recipe! It's a gluten-free delight with a unique twist.

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a painting of a daybed at night, light from a window falling across it

Deleted Scene: Getting to Know You

Bonus content from Painting Celia – exclusively for blog readers! Celia and León start learning about each other.

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headshot of a somber part-asian woman with chin-length hair, in front of an abstract painting suggesting a swimming pool at night

Celia Torres

Quiet Celia knows she has to start living out loud but is unable to find her voice. Embarrassed by surprise wealth, she has the whole world before her but no idea how to fit into it.

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